Some Recently Read Material

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Portugal Taxpayers (ahem, Citizens) are Screwed Again

I just finished, well I almost finished reading, an article about another bailout of another bank in Portugal.  I got so pissed off I decided to rant for a minute here.

The article published by Zerohedge also sites articles in the Wall Street Journal, Reuters and Bloomberg about the bailout of or "rescue" of Madeira-based bank Banif. 

Why the F&%@ do these governments keep bailing out banks?  It is plain and obvious that the elites that run the financial world have the governments in their pockets.  They keep getting bailed out over and over with billions upon billions of citizens money while said citizens struggle to stay ahead of the "non-existent" inflation that consistently runs ahead of their purchasing power.  

Since when are governments bound to consistently bail out capitalist enterprises.  Capital sloshing around the world exceeds income for crying out loud!  There is plenty of it.  If a business is worth rescuing, capital will rescue it.  Otherwise, it should die.  That is the brutalism of capitalism period.  To bail out owners of capital when they have made an investment that goes sour smacks in the face of the entire capitalist logic.  To allow capital to be gambled with recklessly, when the gambling involves citizens hard earned money, is where governments are failing globally.  Then bailing out financial institutions that fail after sanctified reckless gambling with citizens money puts governments in the same soup as legalized gangsters.

When a bank "fails" there is a simple process.  Dissolve the bank, pay the depositors with the insurance in place and move on!!  What the hell is so hard about this?  If there is a desire in the economy for that bank's services to exist, another will rise, simple as that.  The capital is there and the capitalist are there to fill the void.  If the bank's services were no longer needed, then it wouldn't be missed! 
When are citizens going to say "enough" and just mow over the idiots that keep doing this and start over?  Because until that happens, they are going to get screwed again and again while capital and the capitalists keep getting richer and richer on their backs.  It's pathetic and to see how it plays out in the "emerging" economies around the world, esp. China for example, it is down right sickening.  The established "democracies" with established capitalist "economies" should be setting and example of how things work, instead they are setting examples of how things fail over and over again. 

We are told a bunch of sand monkeys with guns mowing over innocent people are evil. Well the real crime on the citizens of the planet are being played by their governments and the capitalist that keep stealing from them while giving nothing in return.  I personally am totally and utterly pissed and tired of reading how capitalist are bailed out with every tool of every government and every tool of every central bank.  It is time, high time, to stop this madness!

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

The President's Speach on Terror Threat... Re-Written with some Rational Socio-Economic Observations

THE PRESIDENT (And me):  Good evening. On Wednesday December 2nd, 14 Americans were killed as they came together to celebrate the holidays.  They were taken from family and friends who loved them deeply. They were white and black; Latino and Asian; immigrants and American-born; moms and dads; daughters and sons.  Each of them served their fellow citizens and all of them were part of our American family.
          Tonight, I want to talk with you about this tragedy, the broader threat of terrorism, and how we can keep our country safe.
Here is what we know.  The victims were brutally murdered and injured by one of their coworkers and his wife.   It is clear that the two of them had gone down the dark path of radicalization, embracing an Ideology that is attempting to counter the ideology perpetrated by the global super powers and corporate interests of the West.
          Our nation has been at war with these people since al Qaeda killed nearly 3,000 Americans on 9/11.  In the process, we’ve spent over a decade and nearly two trillion of your hard earned tax dollars, on two pointless wars in two nations, largely against people who live in mud huts. And it has not worked.  However, our military and counterterrorism professionals continue to relentlessly pursue all counter-ideology networks overseas.  Meanwhile, at home, we have turned our airports and financial centers into fortresses to ensure the best possible protection for the elites.  Our local law enforcement agencies have been handed exceedingly lethal surplus military hardware designed primarily to provide a show of force against any organized resistance to the corporatization of our nation and the world, admittedly while many areas of our nation remain essentially un-policable and violent.    
          For seven years, I’ve confronted this evolving threat each morning in my intelligence briefing.  And since the day I took this office I’ve authorized U.S. forces to assassinate all of these leading opposing ideologies abroad precisely because I know how real the danger is. In fact, on any given day we have a small arsenal of un-manned assassination drones used to regularly kill anyone our counter terrorism networks tell us is involved at a management level in any non-western aligned organization.  We do not grant these targets any rights to due process of the law that you are entitled to.  We just eliminate them.   
          Many of you are familiar with “scorched earth” agriculture, where we kill everything in the soil from plants to pests in order for a genetically engineered seed to grow; or you may be aware of the application of cocktails of pharmaceuticals pumped into our farm animals to make them grow faster, while supplementing their weakened immune system against deadly strains of bacteria.  Well those pesticides, herbicides and pharmaceuticals are akin to our corporate driven ideology to dominate and control everything on the planet -- while counter ideologies like the one we currently face -- are like the weeds that refuse to submit to herbicides or bacteria that refuse to be squashed by the pharmaceuticals.  And over the last few years these organizations have morphed, changed shape, reorganized and grown stronger amidst the back door we created from our pointless wars where we managed to destroy pretty much everything except the will to keep a counter ideology alive.
          Meanwhile, these organizations have conducted less complicated acts of violence against us, taking a cue from our own home grown pharma-laced mass murders that are all to common in our society.  As new counter ideology groups grow stronger in the void left by failed states, largely orchestrated by our military adventures and incompetence, we face new challenges.  As Commander-in-Chief, I have no greater responsibility then the security of the corporate elites that put food on your table, bring energy for your automobile or the infotainment that sedates you, because our global oligopoly networks rely on the downtrodden people of the planet to deliver your consumer goods as cheaply as possible. And we must protect these exploitative networks. 
          As a father of two young daughters who are the most precious part of my life, I know that we see ourselves with friends and coworkers living a very good life of consumerism and comfort on the backs of these people.   I know we see our kids in the faces of the young people killed in Paris.  And I know that after so much war, many Americans are asking whether we are confronted by a cancer that has no immediate cure and exactly which side is the cancer and which side is the cure.
          Well, here’s what I want you to know; we are the cancer and the cure. These counter-ideology people are like the weeds, the survivors of scorched earth capitalism.  Any organization that tries to counter us will be met with a newly formulated strategy to defeat them.
          Here’s how: First we know that these people are organized in a part of the world with virtually no industrial capacity. Since they have absolutely no means of production of weapons; they don’t produce guns, or tanks, or rockets, mortars, or planes or submarines etc. we know they are completely spineless without weapons supplied by nations or corporations that do. 
          Since the attacks in Paris, our closest allies – including France, Germany and the UK – have agreed to form a global network to track each and every weapon we find in the hands of our opposition, track down its maker and distributor and shut them both down immediately.  In addition, we will work together to ensure no money flows to the opposition from outside their territory – no financial transfers of any kind via sales of oil, or any other commodity, will be allowed which will help us accelerate our effort to destroy their networks.
          Second: Instead of creating walls and fences around EU nations to stop human beings fleeing the violence, we will create walls and fences around the territory controlled by our opposition, allowing citizens fleeing the death and destruction out and letting any fool crazy enough to join them in.  We will be deploying Special Operations Forces who can man these security efforts and to ensure no resources are entering their territory.
          Third: We know, based on the vast number of people fleeing their controlled territory, rational people have no interest in living under the twisted madness that now prevails within this current iteration of counter ideology.  Hence, the ultimate outcome can be achieved without any direct military intervention. By restricting weapon flow and financial means to those people governing this territory, the result would be a territory of themselves, which would likely resemble a 6th century, impoverished and depraved wasteland; not unlike the situation many people stuck behind the Iron Curtain faced in the last century.  If that is their vision of modernity, they will be free to live that way, but it is unlikely they will have much willing company.  Besides, after a decade of wars against nations with no industrial capacity whatsoever, we pretty much look like the biggest fools that history has ever known, with nothing to show for our efforts but a huge balance sheet of debt.  So a new strategy is in order.
Fourth, with American leadership, the international community has begun to establish a process -- and timeline -- to pursue ceasefires and a political resolution to the Syrian war. Doing so will allow the Syrian people and every country, including our allies, but also countries like Russia, to focus on the common goal of eliminating opposition to our global capitalist oligarchy.  This is our strategy to destroy ideological opposition and it is designed to be supported by our military advisors and counter-ideology experts, together with 65 countries that have joined an American-led coalition.  That’s why I am here today, to ask for your support in our new strategy because as I said in my 1st campaign for president, it is “we”, all of us, who need to engage in the challenges facing America “together”.
          Now, here at home, we have to work together to address the challenge.  I call upon you who work in the military industrial arena to pressure your bosses to refrain from selling any weapons anywhere in the world where they may find their way into the wrong hands, including at home and abroad.  I urge you to write and call your legislators and insist we take this non-military approach to win this ideological battle against those who threaten our way of life.
          If you hail from any of the surrounding nations, please contact your embassies and leaders and tell them, earning a few dollars by selling weapons or buying oil or otherwise supporting these bandits is not worth the long term effect on humanity and threatens their place in the new world order.
          What we can do – and must do – is make it harder for them to kill.  We cannot stop every motivated bacteria, every surviving weed or every resilient insect from disrupting our attempt to control every facet of existence on the planet but with your help and organized resistance to the military industrial complex’s need to find an enemy to deploy their death and destructive forces, together we can win.  I think it’s time for congress to vote to demonstrate that the American people are united, and committed, to this strategy.
          My fellow Americans, these are the steps that we can take together to defeat the ideological threat.  Let me now say a word about what we should not do.
          We should not be drawn once more into a long and costly ground war in Iraq or Syria.  The strategy that we are using now -- airstrikes, Special Forces, and working with local forces who are fighting to regain control of their own country – is dead in the water and not working. They also know that we no longer have the stomach to occupy foreign lands. Our nation’s obesity and epidemic rise in associated diseases like diabetes springing out from our industrial food supply has turned us into sick guinea pigs.  In addition, with nearly a third of our nation regularly taking various cocktails of pharmaceuticals, all of which attempt to force us into compliance with some kind of esoteric ideology of what is correct and acceptable behavior, has turned many of us into zombies glued to tiny plastic screens, unable to deal with any of the kind of reality associated with physical interaction with other human beings of a different ideology or lifestyle, let alone in a hostile war zone.
          Here’s what else we cannot do.  We cannot turn against one another by letting this fight be defined as a war between America and Islam because we know this is really an ideological backlash against the emerging global order where the corporate entities you work for and support increase their coverage of the entire earth with our products, our vision, our ideology and our sense of righteousness.
          The vast majority of ideological victims around the world may be Muslim, but that’s because these people have not entirely embraced our soulless mantra of corporatism, individualism, consumerism and mercantilism.
          That does not mean denying the fact that an extremist ideology has spread most effectively in these impoverished, corrupt, and often despot run nations.  Leaders of these nations need to get on board and decisively and unequivocally reject the ideological opposition to the new world order now or risk loosing their power and billions in their bank accounts.  To speak out against not just acts of violence, but also those interpretations of ideology that are incompatible with the values of the industrial rulers of this planet.
          But just as it is the responsibility of all people around the world to root out misguided ideas that lead to radicalization, it is the responsibility of all Americans to reject this counter ideology as well.  I have over the last 7 years employed all resources possible to ensure you do because when you travel down that road you will lose. Betrayal of our values plays into the hands of opposition ideologies and if we are to dominate the global order in the future, the last thing we need is opposition at home. Our men and women in uniform are willing to ensure this does not happen. We have to remember that.

My fellow Americans, I am confident we will succeed in this mission because we are on the right side of history.  Even though we were founded upon a belief in human dignity -- that no matter who you are, or where you come from, or what you look like, or what religion you practice, you are equal in the eyes of God and equal in the eyes of the law, the need to control every facet of human existence on the planet in the name of profit has superseded these fundamental beliefs.  

In this political season, even as we properly debate what steps I and future Presidents must take to keep our country safe, let’s make sure we never forget what makes us exceptional. Let’s not forget that freedom is more powerful than fear; and our brand of freedom is the one that must reign -- whether war or depression, natural disasters or counter-ideology -- by coming together around our common ideals as one nation, as one people, with one common ideology, I have no doubt America will prevail. 

Thank you.  God bless you, and may God bless the United States of America.