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Sunday, October 18, 2009

Health Care Remarks 1

Coming from the perspective of someone who does not have TV, I must say I find it troubling that the issue of universal access to health care in a nation that claims to be part of the 1st world economy is an issue it all

While spending time in the Air Force as a young man (where I had universal health care) I was fortunate enough to witness how societies can be hard wired into a set of beliefs that did not serve their common interest, but served the interest of those in “power” instead.

In South Korea I witnessed a nation wired to believe authoritarian government was good for its people as long as the great looming threat by their “hostile neighbor” to the north was evident.

In England I witnessed a nation where the economic reality of the vast majority of it’s citizens resembled second world nation, yet the English were wired to believe they were citizens of an “empire” that should travel to undeveloped nations and tell impoverished people there how to improve their livelihood.

Here in the United States I see a citizenry wired by corporations who make hundreds of billions of dollars every year off the backs of their illnesses that the idea of universal access to health care is some kind of evil idea that takes their rights away. The notion is absurd.

If you are currently event debating whether or not the citizens of this great nation deserve equal access to health care I urge you to remove yourself from all media, radio, TV, Internet, whatever your media vice, for at least 6 weeks and use this time to read and think about why you have government; what human needs, characterizations and expectations come from the word “civilization”. I am confident you will find collective care for the well being of one’s people / citizens i.e.; Health Care, to be a major part of what a civilized society is all about.

Watch a video here.

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