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Thursday, December 03, 2009

End of Support for President Obama

From this moment forward I am categorically removing my support for President Obama. The tripling of troops in Afghanistan under his watch has absolutely destroyed my faith in him as an independent thinker, diplomat, and logical man, a president who has the best interest of the citizens of America in mind.

The US has spent over a Trillion Dollars on the “war” in Iraq. (A nation about the size of California) Let me remind you, Iraq is, was and never has been a “war”. When we “invaded” Iraq, they had no standing army (only the president’s “guard” which was basically in place to keep the bully, Saddem Hussein, in power), no standing air force and no standing navy. They had been through over 10 years of embargo. Iraq was nothing more than a training exercise for our military, a large adrenaline surge for troops and to train the next generation of our military (not to mention a great way to dump piles of legacy munitions sitting around in storage depots).

Like any people who resent being invaded, Iraq has been fighting back with whatever means they have and we know what the result has been. Thousands of American solders killed, hundreds of thousands of Iraqi civilians and militants (Iraq version of “freedom fighters”) killed. What for? Did you ever loose sleep worrying about the “Iraq Threat” on the US? Of course not, cause there is and never was one.

Can you give me an example of what a Trillion Dollars spent in the State of California would look like? Can you give me an example of what $350 Billion would look like? We spent at least that much “rebuilding” Iraq, yet they still have no reliable electricity, water or reliable means of communications to show for it. Oh, but lets not forget, the multitude of American companies, well connected to the government, who hire high paid lobbyist, consultant firms, and give lavishly to our legislators, directly and indirectly in the many creative ways created over the years to pay your congressman or senator without putting it directly in their pocket. Lets not forget the benefits to our military leaders who are ushered into the private sector with tremendous benefits after leaving service as payment for helping the American Military Establishment (Corporate Welfare to the highest degree) win contracts.

So that was Iraq. Now we have Afghanistan, another nation comparable in size to one American state, this time Texas. The latest move by President Obama puts nearly 100,000 troops in Afghanistan. Yea, Afghanistan, a rocky arid nation with little “official” standing army, no navy, no air force and no technology, nearly no industrial productive capacity at all, and they are largely uneducated. Does this sound like a nation with the capacity to harm or otherwise threaten the US? They cannot even “create” a gun let alone any more sophisticated “devise” capable of harming another individual let alone another nation.

So lets look at the “real enemy” over there headed by Osama Bin Laden (if he is in fact still alive, it is also worth noting he is not an “issue” any longer), a bunch of folks who have idealistic reasons to oppose the US. I must say I don’t disagree with their “political” reasons to oppose us. They want the US off of Muslim soil. So be it, get off of their soil. Let them live like it is the 6th century if that is what they want to do. Rational people will leave and go to other countries just as all the talent has left Africa, and used to (still do to some extent) leave Latin American nations, and leave South Asian nations and former Soviet Nations for better opportunity not under repressive regimes in their own nations (although Bush and now Obama seem to be learning more from the oppressive nations on this plane then from any ideologically free thinking ideas of the past). Being on their soil serves us no purpose. The oil in the Mid East is worth nothing in the ground. They have no other natural resources. They will sell it. Fine. What are we doing there? They have no technology. We (Western nations with technology) sell them what they need to take the oil out of the ground, transport it, refine it and ship it. You name it. They are completely unable to even exploit their only resource without the Western Nations and their technology. So what do we have to worry about? We will get paid. Secondly, they have nothing useful to do with all the money they make on oil sales without the West again. They cannot build anything without raw materials, western finished materials, tools, machines etc. They cannot invest the cash in anything worthwhile in the Middle East so they buy stakes in Western companies where they can benefit from the technology and innovation and wealth creation of the nations around the world that produce things other than oil.

What it the heck would any rational person be doing on land that is opposed by a growing bunch of radical religious folks when the land has no productive value to us whatsoever?

Now that “enemy”, yea, a bunch of guys have some rudimentary schools where they “teach” ignorant poverty stricken men from around the region how to bomb stuff and ideologically oppose Western culture. Well, we pretty much do the same thing, only with technology. We create “enemies”, the “evil empire” the “axis of evil” the “cancer of the Taliban” (as Pres. Obama put it, which really burns me up). We have to create enemies so we (power) can justify the half trillion a year in direct military spending and the other billions in indirect military spending. This is about American Money, not enemies; American Power Circles, not Taliban; American imperialism, not threat.

A bunch of guys with the equivalent of a few hundred thousand dollars, some flight training and some box cutters has created war in 2 nations and expenditures per capita not matched since a world war!! Can you imagine if someone would have said to you 10 years ago, that after a couple prior attempts, some guys would manage to actually take down a couple of tall buildings in NYC and after that America would spend over $2 Trillion Dollars and engage themselves in a decade “war” with 2 nations that together are about the size of California and Texas using hundreds of thousands of American military and civilian personnel, cause the deaths and maming of US and allied troops triple the number of people killed in the NYC take down, cause directly or indirectly around 500,000 civilian and insurgent (justified insurgents I might add) deaths in the invaded countries? (I could go on but you get the point.)

I could discuss all of the idiot decisions made by our prior government lead by a president with the intellect of a door knob but it’s all out there. One more rant will not solve anything. However, I will not, will not, will not support a man that sold such a rational line of diplomacy during his run for power but after taking power the result is his selling (or attempting to sell) a decision to escalate the “war” in Afghanistan. There is no justification. I don’t care what his “advisors” said; he is not seeing the world clearly any longer. I don’t know what “deal” he made to get into the White House but it is obvious that “power circles” have the better of him and he does not have the backbone or no longer has the incentive to do what is right for American citizens and our Nation. Better put, he obviously has GREAT incentive to do what is wrong.

If you want a nice round up of his decision (not nearly complete but what do you expect from 9 minutes of media?) check out this link

For information on the land sizes of the nations involved you can see the US at
And the world at

As for me, I am signing off my support for President Obama in a Great Big Way and I encourage you to do the same. This man is no longer representing me.


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