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Monday, July 08, 2013

America, Land of the Free

Yes, if you are in the right shoes in America, you are Free from the Law, Free from Responsibility and you get a Free Ride on the Capitalist Train that keeps you Free of Any Consequences for reckless action.  This truly is the Capitalist Playground of the Earth where you can recklessly dupe hundreds of billions of dollars from any source that is stupid enough to play with you and it is all considered Clean Fun and be Dammed if your actions destroy lives, are detrimental to society or bankrupt companies leaving your customers out billions of dollars.

Yes, America is a great land and a place for every punk ass spoiled 72 degree pig that gets an ivy league education to rob, steal, cheat or by any other means rake out as much money from the rest of the ignorant ass working stiff who could not define the word "market" if they had $100,000 sitting in a suitcase in front of them. 

I don't think there is a nation on the planet where the populace has their every move dictated by the whims of the corporate super citizens that operate around them stealing as much from them as humanly possible while at the same time canceling any voting "authority" they may have, all with complete impunity.

Here you go.  In brief, Corzine is off Scott Free by Department of "Justice" (what a joke of a name for the institution, it should be renamed "Department of Ivy League Values Superimposed on Those Without the Money or Power or Knowledge to Know the Difference") even though the Commodities Futures Trading Commission has filed "civil" charges against him successfully.

Yes the CFTC can use evidence like: "To support the allegations, the CFTC used a recorded telephone conversations to support their charges that Corzine was fully aware of the transfers."

But the DOJ does not have enough evidence.  The God Damn Defence Department has recorded damn near everything since 2007, before the "Financial Crises" really hit the fan, but nobody, I mean NOBODY has any evidence to charge anyone "criminally" for anything that happened.  Yea, just pay some "fines" and go about raping the country my man.

God Bless America...

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