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Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Game of Chicken

Letter to my Senator:

Senator Mikulski,

I beseech you to please make it clear to those that are making these government bail out decisions that they are playing a loosing game against the most powerful unregulated pool of money on the planet, the Hedge Fund Industry.

This industry has over $2 trillion in assets and is completely unregulated, primarily incorporated in island nations where they are completely out of the legal jurisdictions of the nations they operate in, have no allegiance to any nation, and have one primary objective: To make as much money as possible indiscriminately, at all cost and risk.

The time has come to understand, "With 6.2 billion people on the planet and economies all interlinked there is no longer any positive role that can be determined by having $2.5 trillion floating around playing havoc with any asset class it so chooses”.

I cannot make this message any clearer. There is much talk about regulation and cleaning up Wall Street and Washington etc. However no person anywhere is talking about the Golden Cow in the room, the Hedge Fund Industry. Without an immediate set of regulations baring players in this industry from operating in the United States under any context, you will loose, the American People will loose and our government will loose.

I leave you with this thought:

There is a story in the Old Testament about a bunch of people who flee repression only to end up building and worshiping a golden cow. This leads to great moral degradation and a sinful and corrupt people. Does anyone see the golden cow here? Lets call the golden cow "hedge funds" for the lack of a better word.

The golden cow analogy: All of the powers that be, including the chiefs of all the financial firms and government leaders across the globe are playing with the golden cow. So why does the subject of hedge fund influence in Wall Street never come up? Why does everyone talk around the subject, talking about 'regulation' etc. without mentioning the golden cow? The golden cow corrupts deeply and its influence is broad.


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