Some Recently Read Material

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Peak Energy, This is GOOD!, Message to Senator Obama

I want to encourage Senator Obama to avoid being sucked into the "drill more oil" debate by reading the message below and using this message to completely redefine the debate on energy extraction and use in the world. He is beginning to seem a bit of a reactionary to events around him on this issue instead of creating a leading vision. This message draws the framework for this vision.

The potential that we have reached "peak oil" is the greatest gift the human race could have right now. It means the earth is incapable of producing (humans are incapable of extracting) enough carbon-based energy (oil) to meet the growing demands of 6 billion plus people. Wow, think for a moment and consider the earth as one large complex computer program that includes a kind of formula for energy extraction and use that has human need and technological maturation in it. No matter how hard we try we cannot completely destroy our planet because of the limits of human kind to extract from the planet enough carbon based fuels at a rate which will produce enough pollution to completely destroy our environment; while at the same time human kind has reached the technological capacity to tap into “clean” energy (solar, wind, hydro current, and to some extent nuclear) at economic rates and efficiencies that make the replacement of destructive 19th century power sources we originally tapped into to fuel our insatiable demand for material consumption, practical.

This is kind of like keeping us from drinking too much by limiting how much alcohol we can immediately consume.

If anyone in the Obama camp, including Obama himself, can see this for what it is and take a hold of the idea that "earth" is telling us that if we truly could produce enough energy from carbon based sources to burn all we wanted we would destroy our very existence, i.e.; drink to much and poison ourselves. Instead, we cannot. The formula of energy to consumption has reached "peak" with carbon-based fuels. What better message, gift, could we have than to simply have to face the fact that the time is now to shift to non carbon based energy. It is the "Duh" factor.

Now, if we can spend $1 Trillion on some completely destructive mission half way around the world (in a country with a total population only 3 times that of New York City) and accomplish absolutely NOTHING, they why should the Obama camp not be capable of taking hold of this gift of global balance (peak) in carbon energy extraction and turn it into a powerful "vision" for removing us from its use. This message would resonate with everyone from the “religious” who believe in the wisdom of a supreme power to the science crowd and average Joe who can understand such an idea.

Surly a fraction of the $1 Trillion spent on destruction / reconstruction / destruction in the war (say $300 billion) could allow us to completely transform a large chunk of our energy to solar, wind and other renewables (not corn) over a period of less than 10 years.

The time has come to recognize a Gift Horse when you see one and stop pandering to the PR hype and Think Tanks.

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